Gracita meets with UNICEF Rep

United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Research Coordinator Cristina Bastidas, met with President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell on Thursday at the House of Parliament.


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Bastidas wanted to learn about the experiences of the countries legislative branch since achieving country status on October 10, 2010.

Arrindell explained about the functioning of parliament, and how St. Maarten had to build its institution of parliament from scratch while Curacao had an existing assembly.

The President of Parliament also mentioned the challenges that the St. Maarten parliament faced but that progress was being made since the birth of the countries national assembly eight months ago.

"I informed the UNICEF rep that issues of women and children are very important as a new country and that parliament will enact initiative laws that have a positive impact to increase the quality of life of the people.

"Some of the areas for initiative law are domestic violence, environmental laws and laws that protect the most vulnerable in society.

"In my meeting with Bastidas, she pointed out that with St. Maarten being a country, the latter would get direct attention from international organizations such as UNICEF and others.

"I can also agree, and I am looking forward to a productive and efficient relationship with international organizations," President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell said on Friday.

The issue of women in the political process was also discussed where Arrindell said that women in politics were well accepted within society especially when one looks at the country having a woman prime minister, the president of parliament being a woman, two women parliamentarians, and women also playing leading roles in the high councils of state such as the Ombudsman and the Council of Advice.