On August 21st staff of the U.S. Forward Operating Location (USFOL) in Curaçao donated their Sunday morning to paint the sanctuary and classroom of the local Seventh Day Adventist Church. Thirty men and women of the USFOL garnered paint brushes and rollers to put a fresh new face to the church’s interior.
First Elder Lionel Diaz and church members demonstrated their appreciation by hosting a "homemade" lunch. A USFOL volunteer observed, "The volunteer effort was very rewarding, both physically and spiritually. Even though I’m of a different denomination, it was great to be helping each other in the community. Seeing the younger folks give of themselves without any expectation of payback was very rewarding to all of us, especially themselves." The U.S. FOL personnel have been long-time advocates for the local community and this was yet another outstanding effort to promote a vital relationship with the citizens of Curaçao.