SCDF continues work for Carnival 2012, with release of teaser promotional flyer

It’s August and that means the St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation (SCDF) has put its preparation for Carnival 2012 in full gear in keeping with its pledge to start preparations early.


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The SCDF has released its teaser promotional flyer which has already been distributed for the Anguilla Summer Festival and Saba Carnival and will be strategically distributed through other regional events and venues.

The teaser flyer is adorned with revelers and has the dates for Carnival 2012, April 19 to May 2, 2012, as well as the contact information of the SCDF listed. President of the SCDF Stuart Johnson said Initial reactions of the promotional flyer have been overwhelmingly positive.

It was designed by Cleon Frederick of So Contagious Studio.

"The board of the SCDF has been committed to organizing and making sure preparations are early and for the upcoming Carnival 2012, we intend to start even earlier than ever before," Johnson said. "Our airline companies, our tourism officials and other relevant stakeholders will also receive this warm up promotional flyer promoting Carnival 2012," Johnson said.

Johnson explained that while Carnival "fettin" ended in early May for revelers, the work has never stopped for the board of the SCDF. The foundation has been focusing on finalizing various issues from Carnival 2011, including finalizing its financials for government, evaluating the activities, reaching out to corporate sponsors etc.

The foundation has also asked interested concert night promoters to submit their letter requesting a night in carnival Village for Carnival 2012 before August 15. Thus far, the SCDF was happy to note that it has heard from all long standing concert promoters.

The last aspect of Carnival 2011 the SCDF is about to execute is the awarding of its material prizes to some of its show winners. The SCDF will be doing this with some of the major sponsors of these prizes in the next few weeks when visits are planned to the businesses with the winners to show appreciation for their partnerships for Carnival 2011.

The SCDF will also announce the opening of registration for all events and other aspects of Carnival 2012 soon.