MP Jules James congratulates school graduates, teachers and school management

United Peoples (UP) party Member of Parliament (MP) Jules James congratulates all school graduates as well as teachers and school management on their successes during the past school year 2010/2011 and wishes them a wonderful summer vacation.


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"I read the many media reports during the past two weeks of the accomplishments of our young people in school. I commend our teachers and school management, parents and guardians for the role that they have played during the past school year to help our nation’s youth move from one rung of lifelong learning process to the next.

"The achievements of the past school year is just the first of the positive developments that will also continue in the new school year with the hard work and dedication of all concerned who made the past school year a success," MP Jules James said on Sunday.

James added that student success isn’t just about increasing achievement and narrowing the gap, or the graduation rate, but it’s about ensuring that every student who graduates with a very positive outcome has the best chance for success in life.

Students entering high school for the new 2011/2012 school year will be embarking on a journey of higher education learning. For this journey, students are expected to have a positive attitude towards learning along with perseverance, and a willingness to work hard.

"All students need to set goals at the onset of the new school year. Be realistic and work hard and you will achieve success as you have done in the past. Regardless of a person’s circumstances, always strive for success, because nothing is beyond ones reach. If you are determined to succeed you will achieve," United Peoples party MP Jules James concluded.