USFOL Reaches Out to Animal Shelter-Dierenbescherming

Volunteering at the animal shelter was "a different animal altogether"! USFOL volunteers are familiar with helping communities in Curacao, including painting hospitals and churches, cleaning up baseball fields, reefs and beaches, and making a vegetable garden for a local orphanage.


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Bathing dogs, removing hundreds of ticks and cleaning kennels was a completely new, but rewarding, project.

On 30 June 2011, 35 volunteers from USFOL visited the Dierenbescherming Animal Shelter for the second time. Airman Kourtney Westmoreland of the USFOL, working with the chaplain office, helped raise 1200 NAF and bought eight bags of food for the animals. The director, Mrs. Gwendolyn Weber, received these gifts with thanks and gratitude. With tears in her eyes, she stated "You have been incredible with your lifesaving gifts—we do not receive subsidies from agencies. Your gift is a real blessing to us and to the animals."