As many people know, a few months ago the St. Maarten Zoo had it’s pick up truck stolen. A few months later the pick up was actually found, completely stripped.
Since that time, we have been unable to find the funds to purchase another one. A pick up is desperately needed by the Zoo for its day to day operations.
We used our pick up daily for cleaning up in the Zoo, for such things as tree branch removal and garbage removal.
In addition, and maybe more importantly, we pick up food for the animals every day at some of the supermarkets who donate their leftover produce to us.
Currently we are using a small car to pick up the food and we can only fit two or three boxes in the trunk of the car at one time.
What used to be one trip to pick up food, now may be two or three trips by our staff.
It is extremely difficult for us to be without a pickup and we are asking if anyone has a small pick up in decent working condition that they could donate to the Zoo.
We have always had good support from the community ,and we are asking for that support once again.
The Zoo is in a tight financial situation.,and we just do not have an extra funds to purchase a truck on our own.
If you can help, please call the Zoo at 543-2030 and ask for Gene. The cell number is 588-0777.