The formation of the Brooks Towers Accord Advisory Committee has been accomplished. An interdepartmental working group; members have already met regularly during the past weeks to discuss and finalize the procedures of the much anticipated re-instatement of the BTA office.
The committee members who represent 6 Ministries and 1 agency include Chairperson G. Mossel (Justice), Mr. E. Martina (General Affairs), Mrs. R. Brewster (Finance), Mr. R. Boasman (Labor), Mr. J. van Duinkerken (Economic Affairs) and Mr. J. Ploegstra (Royal Marechaussee).
The committee will function in a solely advisory capacity to the Minister of Justice as it pertains to the review criteria of permit requests as well as anti-fraud verification. The decision-making responsibility remains with the Minister of Justice.
The date of the re-opening of the BTA office will be announced through the local media within short. Until that time, the committee continues to develop and evaluate the procedures that will allow for smooth and structured processing of final BTA permits.