General Commander for Dutch Caribbean Fire Brigade appointed

The first general commander of the Dutch Caribbean Fire Brigade is Mr.Wouter Zitter. He fills this position since March 1st, 2011. 

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Zitter (50) has more than 30 years experience in the field of security, with the fire department and the police. His interest and experience are mainly in the area of fire and disaster management.


He sees putting a process in place to arrive at uniformity in diversity with the Dutch Caribbean Fire Department as the greatest challenge. Although a common identity for the brigade has been reached, Zitter emphasizes that consideration must be given to the own character and historically developed composition and operating procedures of the brigade sections Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. According to his firm belief it is important that the fire department stands out as service oriented institution deeply rooted in the local community. Therefore he will not sit on the seat of the local fire commanders. These commanders are and will remain the first point of contact for the local fire department activities.

Professional attitude

Zitter says he values the professional attitude of the fire department colleagues on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. With a limited number of persons and means they have succeeded in giving content to the most important aspects of the fireman profession. A situation which demands respect. He sees the primary responsibilities of the general commander as creating possibilities through which colleagues of the Dutch Caribbean Fire Department can surprise themselves both in the area of professional and personal development. He is a proponent of a strong people oriented approach, whereby the cooperation with other partners inside and outside the security chain must be sought. Zitter is of the opinion that both the Dutch Caribbean Fire Department and the local fire brigade sections should clearly position themselves and must have a more visible presence in the community.


Zitter considers it as a great honor to lead the youngest fire department of the Netherlands. He is however on detachment from the Ministry of Security and Justice. It is the intention within the near future to recruit and train a permanent official preferably of Dutch Caribbean origin.