Kingdom Council of Ministers decides on the appointment of Cft members

In a press release the Board of financial supervision (College financieel toezicht – Cft) informs about the legal basis and the procedures regarding the appointment of the members of the Board of financial supervision. The Kingdom Council of Ministers decides about such appointment. The Cft is has no role in this process.  

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The Cft informs about the legal basis and the procedures regarding the appointment of the members of the Board, following the publicity of the last days on the subject of the appointment of the member of the Cft for Sint Maarten. It is stipulated in article 2 paragraph 3 of the Kingdom act on financial supervision for Curaçao and Sint Maarten that the Kingdom council of ministers is entitled to take decisions regarding the appointment of the members of the Board, based on the postulation of the minister of Internal Affairs and Kingdom relations and in accordance with the opinion of the council of ministers of the concerning country on recommendation of the Prime Minister of the concerning country. The Cft does not play a role in this process.

Article 3 paragraph 2 of the Kingdom act stipulates that a member of the Cft cannot simultaneously hold one or more functions in government, as listed in said paragraph. Finally, article 3 paragraph 2 also indicates that a member of the Board cannot have other positions or additional functions that will jeopardize proper fulfillment of the function or the maintenance of his independence or the trust therein.