On behalf of the faction of the National Alliance Mr. William Marlin sent a request for an urgent meeting of Parliament to discuss the developments surrounding the continuation of the Brooks Tower Accord. A signed hard copy was delivered.
”We look forward to you convening this meeting as an urgent meeting, and therefore as soon as possible. The presence of the Minister of Justice to answer questions during the meeting is also requested. We llo forward to your cooperation.” Mr. Marlin concluded.
The following is a copy of the letter sent:
National Alliance
Working Together …………………. For St. Maarten
William Marlin – Political Leader
12 Pigeon Pea Road – South Reward
St. Maarten
Tel: +599-554-9950
Email: williammarlin0@hotmail.com
To: The Chairlady of Parliament,
Drs. Gracita Arrindell,
Parliament Building – Backstreet,
St. Maarten.
Re: Urgent request meeting of Parliament.
Philipsburg, January 26th 2011.
The undersigned, Members of the National Alliance faction, hereby request for an urgent meeting of Parliament to be convened with the following agenda point:
Developments surrounding the continuation of the Brooks Tower Accord.
We also, hereby request the presence of the Minister of Justice in that meeting to answer to questions of Members of Parliament.
Respectfully yours;
_______________ _______________ ________________
William V. Marlin Frans Richardson George Pantophlet
_________________ ________________ ________________
Hyacinth Richardson Louie Laveist Lloyd Richardson