Parents advised to take note of baby clinic services venues and opening dates and times


Parents who make use of baby clinic services are advised to note the dates and opening times of the clinic.

The Madame Estate Clinic at the Madame Estate Shopping Center (across from the laundry) is open from Monday through Friday from 8.00am to 12.30pm and from 1.30pm to 5.00pm, except on Tuesdays.

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The Cole Bay Clinic, located across from the Charles Leopold Bell School, operates under the same opening hours as the Madame Estate Clinic.

Parents of newborns and of young children are encouraged to make use of the baby clinics in order to ensure that their toddler is growing according to its age.

The same nurses who worked under the While & Yellow Cross when the baby clinic fell under their responsibility continue to administer the medical care services to babies and toddlers under the auspices of the Ministry of Public Health.

Parents should take note that service is no longer offered at the St. John’s Ranch.

Those requiring additional information can call Youth Health Care at 542-3003, 542-2078, or 542-3553.