Man robbed, and left naked on the streets

The victim of an armed robbery with initials J.R.P. from Romania and residing on the island filed an offcial report with the detective department stating that on Friday December 3rd at approximatley 02.15 a.m., while waliking on the Welfare road in the vicinity of Sint Maarten Cars in Cole Bay, he was attacked by two unknown black men riding on a scooter. The passenger of the scooter put a knife to his throat and threatened to harm the victim if he did not cooperate. 

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Fearing for his life the victim cooperated with the robbers. His wallet containing U.S. $ 140,- and his Nokia cellular telephone were stolen from him. The victim was also stripped of all his clothing and was left naked on the street. After committing this act the suspects took off on the scooter. The Detective Dept. is investigating this case.