Innovative Marketing Creations (IMC), a leading full-serviced marketing firm based on St. Maarten, is currently conducting a market research project on behalf of TelEm Group.

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The market research is part of a larger public impression survey to gain feedback from TelEm Group clients and members of the public generally in the areas of: customer loyalty, customer service, Blackberry services, internet services and other related products and services.

Upon completion of the survey, TelEm Group aims to have a better understanding of company services offered to the public, customer satisfaction, client profile and general telecommunications needs on the island of St. Maarten.

To begin the survey, a team of four trained IMC facilitators utilized TelEm Group marketing tools and polled members of the public at the entrance of Le Grand Marche on Bush Road , Saturday, September 25,

Respondents who participated in the survey each received TelEm Group eco-friendly grocery bags as an incentive for offering their time to take part in the market research.

TelEm Group Marketing Officer, Ms. Marleva Felix says initial response from the public survey is promising.

"Armed with the results of the survey we can cater more to the needs of our customers with the products and services we have to offer now and will be offering in the future," said Ms. Felix.

Projects & Marketing Manager of IMC, Evencia Seabrookes, says her company’s comprehensive approach to marketing and communications provides companies like TelEm Group with qualitative and quantitative market research that allows businesses to understand their markets and make intelligent decisions versus educated guesses, ensuring a greater return on investments in areas such as marketing and product innovation.

"We applaud TelEm Group’s leadership in taking this insightful look into the local market, and long-term commitment to making the necessary improvements on behalf of their wide range of customers," continues Ms. Seabrookes.

IMC is one of the leading full-serviced marketing firms nestled on St. Maarten, and was founded in June, 2002. The company provides a wide range of services strategically crafted to meet the marketing needs of diverse companies and/or individuals.

IMC was contracted as an independent company by TelEm Group in August, during which public impression surveys were conducted in various Districts on the island, specifically targeted to maximize the response number and to ensure that a diverse range of people were surveyed to ensure optimal participation.

For more information contact IMC General Manager Jacqueline Louis at 543-2150/51 or email at or contact IMC Project & Marketing Manager Evencia Seabrookes at 543-2150/51 or email at