Mental Health training Educators

On September 21, 2010 Dr. Karin Hermans child psychiatrist trained educators, parents and others on Childhood ADHD, Autisem and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. 55 participatents ethusiasticly paticipated in the training session. 

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It was an interactive training session wereby the participants were given a case study and could suggest solutions. She also had video’s for children explaining how the envirionment including peers react to children with developmental problems.

The evaluations of the training session suggest that the participants would like to be given more opportunities to be trained in observing and adequatly identifying mental problems.
Mental Health Foundation is planning to schedule this type of training sessions on a regular basis, considering the needs of the educators.

Shaniƫla Jonge the social pscyhiatric nurse of the foundation took the initiative to organize this event and will continue to do so in the future.