Consumer prices Sint Maarten June 2010

Prices increased by 0.3 percent compared to April 2010

In June 2010, the consumer price index for Sint Maarten has increased by 0.3 percent compared to April 2010.  

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Over the period of twelve months ending with June 2010, average consumer prices have increased by 3.0 percent compared to the same period one year earlier.

This appears from data presented by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) today.

Price changes between April and June 2010

In June, consumer prices in Sint Maarten were 0.3 percent higher than in April.

Food (-0.3%), Clothing and footwear (-0.3%) and Transportation and communication (-0.8%) dropped in price, whilst Beverages and tobacco (+1.7%), Housing (+1.0%), Household furnishing and appliances (+0.5%), Medical care (+0.1%), Recreation and education (+0.1%) and Miscellaneous (+0.1%) became more expensive.

The three largest consumer categories, Food, Housing and Transportation and communication, together forming almost 70 percent of total consumption, accounted for the most noteworthy price changes of specific products.

First of all, expenses for own transport vehicles (consumption category Transportation and communication) decreased by 2.7 percent, caused by the price fall of gasoline with 7 percent.

Secondly, energy expenses (consumption category Housing) increased by 3.6 percent due to the fact that electricity (+4.0%) became more expensive.

Finally it is remarkable that the consumption category Food showed a price decrease in June, albeit by less than half percent. The main factor of influence here was the price of potatoes, vegetables and fruits dropping 3.5 percent, mainly caused by the prices of cabbages (-19%), cucumbers (-19%), tomatoes (-28%) and paprika’s / sweet peppers (-32%) tumbling down.

Long-term inflation

In June 2010, the twelve-month average of prices for Sint Maarten was 3.0 percent higher than in June 2009. This development implies that the inflation on the island has reached the highest level since April 2009, when an inflation of 2.9 percent was registered.

According to the CBS, the twelve-month average of prices is a good indicator for long-term inflation. Thus the increasing trend of inflation in Sint Maarten continues, albeit in an ever slowing pace.