Sint Maarten Insurance Brokers Association Pleased Sxm will soon have own Parliament

The SIBA is profoundly pleased that St. Maarten will soon have its OWN Parliament and thank all contributors for their direct and indirect role in making this possible. 

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We are particularly pleased, since for many years SIBA has been actively involved with efforts to enhance the workings of the insurance industry, which often required the intervention of Parliament of the Netherlands Antilles and the Central Bank.

Based on our topic of discussion with the finance committee of Parliament earlier this year, there was a consensus to have more meetings given the sensitive nature of our request, namely to have banks desist from the practice of pressuring clients to conclude insurance transactions on the spot.

Some crucial information sent via our postal services to prove intimidation by the banks was returned to us, since the Parliament building could not be found.

We also make use of this opportunity to beg our future Parliament to avoid any situation that would make decision-making, particularly in the banking sector subjective or impossible.

As a new nation we expect our leaders to do all in their power to liberate this nation in every form possible.

The intimidation tactics of some banks falls nothing short of taking away liberty from our people and we look forward to meeting with Parliament here on Front Street- Great Bay, Sint Maarten to make our case.

We plan to submit a request within the first 100 days for a meeting with Parliament since this matter strongly correlates with the financial economic position of our clients and the Nation at large.


Neil D. Henderson
