Renovation of 69 FCB houses started on

KRALENDIJK — Housing Institute Fundashon Cas Boneriano (FCB) started with the renovation of 69 houses on Sunday.


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Deputy Marugia Janga, FCB-director Ben Oleana and board chairman Steven Cicilia collectively announced last week that the houses would be completely renovated. Doors and windows will be replaced, just like the sanitary and the kitchen – if necessary.

Also the inside and outside walls will be painted, and the ceilings, floors and garden will be done up. Three small building contractors, Pourier Construction, Elicon Construction and Doemar Construction, are deployed to perform the renovation activities. If everything goes according to plan, they will each do one house in one and a half week.
Eventually, half of the 420 FCB-houses will have to be renovated, says director Ben Oleana. "This should be realized in two to two and half years’ time. In total, it regards well over 200 houses requiring renovation. That is our job; people are entitled to a good quality of life. Those who can afford to, will be paying more rent, but also getting something in return", Oleana refers to the challenged rent increase that caused much fuss lately.

The renovation involves an amount of 1.5 million guilders. Usona made that amount available through the Social Economical Initiative (SEI). FCB had already prepared the application in 2008, but the former UPB Board of Governors had neglected to forward the dossier to Usona at the time, Oleana says, which is why it took so long before Usona could approve the project. FCB already calculated that the renovation of the 69 houses would cost less. This requires an amount of 1.2 million guilders. One could still renovate an additional number of houses with the other 300,000 guilders.
The houses to be renovated are located in various districts: Sofaya in Rincon, Kaya Seminole in Noord Saliña, Kaya Parana, Kaya Amazona and Kaya Camari in Tera Korá, and Wanapa in Nikiboko.

Also the inside and outside walls will be painted, and the ceilings, floors and garden will be done up. Three small building contractors, Pourier Construction, Elicon Construction and Doemar Construction, are deployed to perform the renovation activities. If everything goes according to plan, they will each do one house in one and a half week.Eventually, half of the 420 FCB-houses will have to be renovated, says director Ben Oleana. "This should be realized in two to two and half years’ time. In total, it regards well over 200 houses requiring renovation. That is our job; people are entitled to a good quality of life. Those who can afford to, will be paying more rent, but also getting something in return", Oleana refers to the challenged rent increase that caused much fuss lately.The renovation involves an amount of 1.5 million guilders. Usona made that amount available through the Social Economical Initiative (SEI). FCB had already prepared the application in 2008, but the former UPB Board of Governors had neglected to forward the dossier to Usona at the time, Oleana says, which is why it took so long before Usona could approve the project. FCB already calculated that the renovation of the 69 houses would cost less. This requires an amount of 1.2 million guilders. One could still renovate an additional number of houses with the other 300,000 guilders. The houses to be renovated are located in various districts: Sofaya in Rincon, Kaya Seminole in Noord Saliña, Kaya Parana, Kaya Amazona and Kaya Camari in Tera Korá, and Wanapa in Nikiboko.