The Rotary Club of St. Maarten is holding a series of information sessions and is opening the doors to the public, although limited to the seats available during the lunch meetings.
Considering that there are many important issues that effect the people of St. Maarten for which information is not always readily available, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has decided to carry out a community service project with the objective to inform the general public about a number of important issues. The topics will include but are not limited to the current tax situation, possible consequence of the introduction of new taxes and constitutional developments. With respect to the constitutional developments the Club would like to make its contribution to the people of St. Maarten and others who are monitoring these development by sharing information with them on issues such as the monitary system, the Pension Fund, Ministries etc. Fellow Rotarian’s having the expertise will be among the speakers, while other subjects will be covered by persons invited to do so.
The practice of having speakers during the Rotary meeting is nothing new, in fact it forms part and parcel of the general weekly membership meetings. However, convinced of having a responsibility to share information as a community service organization, President Pierre Decelles has set out to have the information shared with the public as part of the member’s civic duty as a community service club. This Wednesday’s (May 26th) presentation will be on the current tax situation on St. Maarten and the speaker for this session is Mr. Paul van Vliet of PricewaterhouseCoopers. The club has a limited amount of seats available for interested persons who would like to join us during our lunch meeting says Mr. Decelles. "Just call a member you know to inquire if their is still space. Their will be a USD 35 charge for the lunch, but the presentation is free of charge". Contact information for the club will be available in public announcements. The sessions will also be taped with the objective of reaching a wider audience through the media.
Public Announcement:
The Rotary Club of St. Maarten will be hosting an informative session on the current tax situation on St. Maarten with speaker Paul van Vliet of PricewaterhouseCoopers. Limited seats are available during the lunch meeting at a cost for lunch of USD 35,–. Please contact any member of the club or call 5871364 or 5201108 for further details and reservations. The presentation will be aired at a later date.