Sports commissioner Frans Richardson


Great Bay – Sports commissioner Frans Richardson on Friday presented trophies for winners in a recently held pool tournament, to RH Pool Production Foundation.

Jaylen Constance took top honours in the Battle of the Top Students from RH Pool Production Foundation recently. Constance — in the eight year old division — faced Edwin Derweer in the two day long tournament. The pair had faced off in 9-ball with Constance winning 8-2.

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The pair played best of seven games of 8-ball with Constance winning 4-0.

The event also featured a 15 year old division. In the first round Alfredo Richardson had squeezed past Romario Romeo 4-2 in 10-ball. The pair played a run to nine in 8-ball when Richardson won 9-7.

The competition was organized by pool instructor Rudolph Hyman and sponsored by the Commissioner of Sports Frans Richardson, who has pledged his support to youth participating in sports events.

On photo, commissioner Richardson presenting one of the trophies to the pool tournament coordinator and trainer Rudolph Hyman (GIS photo).