On Tuesday morning March 9th the Minister of Justice, Mrs. Magali Jacoba, visited the Foundation Justice Institutions Windward Islands.
The Minister was given a presentation of the successful project "From Criminal to Entrepreneur." 73 prisoners participated in this project. 36 prisoners followed an advance course, where they learned to write a business plan. Of the 36 participants, 12 continued working on their idea to start a business.
At the moment there are 4 prisoners who are running their own businesses. This project is another proof that with guidance and perseverance, the youth who gets him /herself into problems with the justice system, can do well and maintain themselves in the community after they have done their time. This project has now been officially closed on Tuesday morning.
The next project that SJIB will guide is the project "Not in jail but at work." This project will teach the prisoners different skills, such as socials skills necessary to brace and make themselves competent in the community once they have done their time. This project is financed by USONA.