The following are questions submitted Thursday December 17th 2009 on behalf of the Democratic Party faction, relating to the draft island budget 2010 as presented to the Island Council.
Questions relating to the draft budget 2010 of the Island Territory of St. Maarten
1. How far are the amendments to the budget 2009 that according to government would have been submitted along with the 2010 draft budget?
2. Can the government provide a chronological overview of the budgetary process of the draft 2010 budget? E.g. when was/were the decision(s) taken by the Executive Council regarding the draft budget 2010?
3. Has public notice been given of the possibility for the public to peruse the 2010 draft budget in accordance with the applicable regulations?
4. In accordance with the regulations governing the financial supervision of the island territory, the island council should be provided with the advice of the CFT on the draft budget along with the draft budget. This has not happened. Has the CFT advised on the draft budget 2010? What is this advice?
5. When can the Island Council look forward to receiving the following mandatory information as part of the budgetary process?
– Overview of all rents and leases of immovable properties of government.
– Settlements with third parties by government
– All agreements entered into by government with financial consequences.
– All agreements entered into for more than 1 year.
– All private bids entered into by government for up to f.25.000,–
6. Can the island council be provided with the implementation plan for the Ombudsman for which close to 1 million NAF is budgeted in the 2010 draft budget? When can the Island Council expect to debate the island ordinance establishing the Ombudsman?
7. MOT (221 44201) Budget of NAf. 330.825,–. What is the plan for the MOT? How is the budget calculated? What is the agreement with the Central Government regarding the MOT?
8. Harbor dividend (320 54299): Can the government provide the current state of affairs regarding the agreement with the harbor and payment of a concession fee by this government-owned company?
9. Rental of Buildings (260 43440): f. 4.500.000,–Kindly specify this budget item.
10. Subsidy government buildings (260 44201): Can the island council be provided with the most recent financial statement of the Foundation Government Buildings?
11. Domain lands (2010 52020): When can the island council expect the proposal to adjust long lease tariffs?
12. VKS deployment (110 43000). Kindly explain the decrease from f. 450.000 (2009) to f. 150.000 (2010) for this service.
13. Condominium Fee (920 54001) F. 3.000.000,– Can the government explain the concept and status of the Condominium fee, reportedly being discussed by government at this time?
14. When is it expected that the NTO (National Tourism Organization) will go into effect?
15. GEBE concession: (33021 54299) On the basis of what has the government budgeted a concession fee of f 5.000.000,– by GEBE? What is the financial position of the Water distribution company ?
16. Other educational services (40001 434890): In 2009 a budget was allocated to the tune of f.1.450.000 for educational programs and compulsory education, NAf. 250.000,– and NAf. 1.200.000,– respectively. Kindly explain the deletion of this budget item.
17. Public Education (420.00) What is the status of the Foundation Public Education? Is it still government’s intention to pursue this form of management of public education?
18. Other services (42040 43499) How will the government go about securing the 3 million guilders necessary for the public school refurbishing program, phase 2?
19. Subsidies to school boards: f. 23.730.000,– (44100 44210) Kindly specify the (extra) subsidies to the VOBE and FAVA school boards.
20. Subsidy University of St. Martin: f. 825.000,– (47120 44201 ) : Kindly provide the island council with the budget request of USM.
21. Subsidies (47121 46205) Explain government’s position with respect to the decreased subsidy for SMITH and SBO institutions.
22. Second Chance Education (47122 44210) budgeted for 1 million guilders as in 2009, but this has been moved from scholarships (44230) to subsidies in 2010. Explain government’s view on this matter.
23. Parental contribution school bus transportation (48080 534990) Kindly explain government’s view on the collection of a School bus fee, budgeted for 2010 at f.100.000,– .
24. Subsidy to the Philipsburg Jubilee Library (51010 43450) The subsidy to the Library of f. 1.219.000,– has remained the same as the budget 2009. Kindly provide the island council with the budget request of the library.
25. Community Development (51190 44201) subsidies dropped from 300.000 in 2009 to 120.000 in 2010. Kindly elaborate.
26. Sport (530000 43476/43499) Decreased with 75 respectively. 50%. Kindly explain government’s view.
27. Sport subsidies (53010 44201) This budget and specification has remained identical to 2009. How does government plan to finance its announced sports policy?
28. Subsidies (53060 44201) What is the status of the Foundation Upkeep Sport Facilities (FUSF)?
29. Festival Village (54010 43101/43420/43430; 56010 42499). Where does it stand with respect to the announced new management policy for the Festival Village? What is the financial position of the Festival Village?
30. Monument Care (54120 44201) Subsidy Monument Foundation f. 500.000: Kindly provide the government’s Monument policy.
31. Subsidies (56023 44201) Pilot project agriculture carries the same description as 2009, yet budget reduced with 50.000,– What is government’s view on the promotion of agriculture?
32. Folklore (56080 43499) Reduction celebration Emancipation Day from 75.000 guilders in 2009 to 50.000 guilders in 2010. What was spent in 2009 on Emancipation day? Has government again petitioned the central Government to make that day an official holiday?
33. Culture and Youth (58010 44220 SUNFED): Kindly explain the status of SUNFED and the reduction in its budget compared to 2009 from f. 165.000 to f. 99.270.
34. Unspecified expenditure (60000 40000) f.1.000.000,-budgeted for "control as a result of Brooks Towers Accord". What is government’s intention as far as this control is concerned? Is it to assist the central government with its control of undocumented immigrants or to execute labor controls?
Financial Assistance (61011 44220) Kindly provide the island council with a overview of requests made and those granted in 2009.
35. Decentralization ARSOZA (61115 43499) : Any progress with this endeavor? If so, what?
36. Foreign work permit fees (61110 53499): 7.3 million guilders budgeted, of which Brooks Towers Accord permits at 3.1 million guilders. On the basis of what did the government come to this estimation?
37. Safe Haven (62020 44201 ) From f. 300.000 budgeted in 2009 to f. 200.000 in 2010 with the same elucidation. Kindly explain. ( 2007 actual: f. 844.796)
39. Turning Point (71020 44201) Kindly provide the island council with the budget request of Turning Point.
40. Mental Health Foundation (71020) (see also 71210 44201) from 1.266.660 (2009) to 805.000 (2010) What is the budget of the Mental Health Foundation?
41. Information Center for the Elderly (63050 44201). What is the status of this Center? And when will it become operational?
42. Contracts collection of garbage (72110 43442) Budget 2010 at 8.8 million down from budget 2009 (9.5m) What has been paid so far in 2009 for the collection of garbage? What is the status of the new project for the collection of garbage? Kindly provide the island council with all agreements thus far regarding the new project for the collection and disposal of garbage.
43. Sewage management (72260) Are negotiations still ongoing with GEBE for an integrated water management system? If so, at what point are these negotiations?
44. Subsidy to the Nature Foundation. (72300 44201) Can the island council be provided with the budget request as submitted by the Nature Foundation? What is the status of the Marine Park ordinance? What has become of the Environment fee as announced by government?
45. Building Supervision (82210 53401) Can the island council be provided with an overview of the requests for building permits and the status of these requests?
46. Land Purchase (83010 43489) – Purchase of Mary’s Fancy 3.5 million guilders and a revenue of 3 million? Kindly explain. Does the purchase of land belong in this segment of the budget under current expenditures?
47. Legal and Expert advice (84010 43476) f. 451.200,- – for DH Advies BV. Can the island Council receive a copy of this contract?
48. Social Housing (82010 434201) (same elucidation as in 2009: Subsidy SMHDF and purchase of land). Kindly provide a status overview of the land purchase in Hope Estate.
49. Decentralization (90002 50000) "per saldo" 10m., NAf. 5m. "en aandeel landsbelastingen na 10/10/10" 10m. Kindly explain this summarization.
50. Interest (91110 52004) What’s the liquidity position of government at this present time?
51. Profit Tax (92010 54001) What lead the government in a week’s time to conclude that a 1 million guilders increase in this tax was warranted? What contributed to this reconsideration?
52. Wage Tax (92012 54001) What is the actual amount collected in 2009?
53. Cost BAB (92201 40000) What is the status of the Island Ordinance regarding services by the BAB?
54. Gambling Fees (92021) Kindly provide what has been collected up to present in 2009.
55. Tax Inspectorate (92201 50000): The expectation is that government will collect an additional 5 million guilders due to an improved tax inspectorate. How has this been calculated? What is the status of the project improvement tax inspectorate?
56. Cost of living adjustment (92214 40000) Is no adjustment expected in 2010? What is the status of this compensation currently? Are any adjustments pending?
57. New accommodations (huisvesting) (00260 01101) f. 11.681.687. Kindly specify this amount.
58. On the basis of what has the personnel cost in the budget been calculated? Current payroll or other? If on the basis of the current payroll, how does the government envisage paying for any additional personnel cost?
59. Roads and Infrastructure (21000/240100): f. 5.985.000 (2010). What projects do these entail?
60. As stated by Government, the Executive Council hired Mr. Bas Roorda per December 2, 2009. Can the Island Council be provided with a copy of the contract with Mr. Roorda?
61. Island Council – Rent of building (s) . Same as spent in 2008. What about the other building recently allocated to 2 independent factions of the island council? Have all factions been provided with an administrative assistant? What is government’s view on third parties financing the assistants for factions of the island council?