On Friday Morning in the Claude Wathey Legislative Hall, a Central Committee meeting was convened among members of the Island Council to discuss the Island Government Budget 2010.
Members of the Island Council that attended the meeting, were: Chairman George Pantophlet, Rudolphe Samuel, William Marlin, Xavier Blackman, Roy Marlin, Sarah Wescot-Williams, P. Leroy de Weever, Maria Buncamper-Molanus, Frans Richardson, and Hyacinth Richardson.
Absent with notice was Theo Heyliger, who is off island.
The main presentation was by the Director of Resources Hiro Shigemoto, who gave a general account of the budget, including the budget policy issues.
After this presentation, all Sector Directors had an opportunity to present their budget policy and year plan.
Director Shigemoto pointed out that the Island Territory Budget for the year 2010 was balanced. Considering the status of the economy, he pointed out, that balancing the budget was a challenge. The budget, in addition, was prepared according to the standards as set forth in the general measures for temporary financial supervision (CFT), which has been in effect for a year now.
The expenditures and income are realistic and have been conservatively estimated. The contribution of the Island Government for the activities which come out of Social Economic Initiative (SEI), the Institutional Strengthen program, (Institutionele Versterking Bestuurkracht), the education & youth programs, are all accounted for in the budget 2010.
Shigemoto also laid out the development within the past years that affected the budget, namely:
Dramatic population growth over last 6 years 2002-2007;
Rapid growth of age 60 plus group;
St. Maarten’s position in the Caribbean should be developed further, and as a result the Island should emerge as a regional leader.
Members of the Island Council proceeded to ask questions on projects and policies within the budget. The meeting was adjourned on Friday afternoon and will continue on December 21st or 22nd 2009. Notice will be given by the office of the Island Secretariat.