Zagers delivers eco-bags to Department Heads

With Saba Day festivities commencing on Friday, December 4th 2009, Commissioner Zagers honored the upcoming events by distributing Eco-Bags to his Department Heads. Initiating the distribution of these bags before Saba Day was done in honor of this year’s theme: "Making Strides to preserve our Unspoiled Queen".  

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The launching of the eco-bag program features safe reusable grocery bags that the community will be able to use in place of plastic bags. This distribution of bags follows GeBes original initiative to distribute environmentally safe shopping bags.

Hendrick Hassell of Public Works was the first Department Head to receive bags from Commissioner Zagers. Mr. Hassell was appreciative and looked forward to handing out the bags to his workers. Each civil servant will be given two bags and after that, the rest will be distributed to the community stores. In total 1500 bags were ordered. Furthermore, this year there are Saba Flags being handed out to the community at the Administration Building as well as the Tourist Bureau.

Commissioner of Environmental Affairs, Bruce Zagers urged the community to, "Please come out and enjoy the festivities. Show your colors and your Saba Flag. I look forward to everyone having a fun filled and very safe Saba Day weekend"

Source: Saba Government Information Services –