DPP Head presents at EU/C Funding workshop


On Thursday, November 5, the Director, a.i., of the Directorate of Programs and Projects Udo Aron made a presentation about the directorate to participants in the 10th European Development Funding (EDF) workshop.


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Aron explained about the sector’s mission and tasks, portfolios, programming process, cooperative programs, and the execution of programs.

He explained that the aim is "to develop and execute the strategic policy for the Government of St. Maarten, having the core responsibilities of guaranting adequate program and project management, securing quaity funding for executing programs and projects, and preparing multi annual development plans."

Aron further explained that "by means of cooperation with the sectors and a maximum cohesion between the programs to effectively utilize the available funds to achieve a balanced support to the activities of the government."

"Activities should encourage enhancement of knowledge and expertise in all levels of the government."

"Furthermore the existing cooperation agreements with the Netherlands will be reviewed in light of the the desire of the government to attain ‘increased autonomy o development aid policy.’"

The directorate’s portoflios, Aron said, consist of "Institutional strengthening & reinforcement of government; Social Economic Initiative; Harbor buy back, Education and Youth; Government projects, Safety Plan Netherlands Antilles; Constitutional development program, and Projectbureau Justice."

The steps in the process are "defining the program lines, project indentification, drafting of a concept program, approval process, and signing of the program. After which there is the monitoring and evaluation of said program."

After the presentation, Aron answered some questions about his department.

On Friday, November 6, the workshop concludes.