Community hears NA Walking the Neighborhood, Knocking on Doors


The National Alliance Council in District Six will be walking the neighborhoods of St. Peters, Weymouth Hill, Ebenezer and South Reward this week to invite community members to a "meet and greet" on Friday, November 6, 7:30 pm at Helena’s Home on Carrot Road #24, South Reward.


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The purpose of the meeting is to listen to the concerns of the community, hear from our elected representatives and to share information about the upcoming National Alliance Congress. Together, the district will submit a list of delegates for the November Congress and nominate names for the party organization and honorary awards. The National Alliance has met a lot of new and interesting people in its last eight district meetings as it continues to share its message of inclusion and unity, and build momentum for the NA Congress on the 15th of November at the Dutch Quarter Community Center under the theme, "Together, Moving Forward." The National Alliance remains committed and dedicated to empowering our community through education, health-care, job training, housing, tax relief and business development.