THE HAGUE — With this, the Dutch municipalities want to quash the nuisance of the Antillean youngsters. Until 2013, an amount of 9 million euros will be made available every year to help these problem youngsters. Half of the amount comes from the Dutch cabinet, and the other half from the 22 involved municipalities. This was decided by the Council of Ministers today.
During the coming years, the Dutch cabinet together with the municipalities, want to reach more Antillean Dutch citizens (including newcomers) and make them a suitable offer for naturalization and language.
In proportion, a large part of the 130,000 Antilleans living in the Netherlands encounters difficulty adjusting to the society. In proportion, Antillean youngsters are often more criminal, often have no job, and often do not finish their education.
The money will be used to push back the problems and to subsume the implementation of the approach with the regular institutes in the municipalities. An annual consultation takes places on the progress of the plans and the obtained results.
During the coming years, the efforts of the cabinet will be focused on dealing with the inconvenience caused by the Antillean Dutch citizens. "Characteristic for the approach during the coming years, is that this will be consistent and regular as much as possible" according to the cabinet in a press report.
The Council of Ministers has agreed with the plan on the proposal of Minister Eberhard van der Laan (PvdA) for Housing, Districts and Integration, and on behalf of Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin (CDA) of Justice, Minister Guusje ter Horst (PvdA) of Internal Affairs, and Kingdom Affairs (PvdA), Minister Andre Rouvoet (Christian Union) for Youth and Family, and State Secretary Ank Bijleveld-Schouten (CDA) of Internal Affairs and Kingdom Relations.