Plans are underway for Saba’s 34th Saba Day


This year Saba Day will be celebrating its 34th Anniversary with a reception and diverse entertainment for the weekend. An official ceremony will be held on December 4th, 2009 and as well as a reception for the general public.


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Recently, Commissioner of Culture Bruce Zagers met with President of the Saba Cultural Foundation Lisa Hassell to discuss how the plans for Saba Day are progressing. This year the Government will be handling the official part of Saba Day such as the mass, hoisting of the flag, cultural dances, as well as speeches and awards handed out by the Commissioner of Culture. Following the ceremony a reception is being held for dignitaries as and the general public.

The Saba Cultural Foundation has been tasked with hosting the cultural booths along the Matthew Levenstone Road, bringing in entertainment, the Annual Wahoo Tournament, target shooting, and working with other Foundations to hold activities for children.

The Wahoo Tournament will be held Saturday and Sunday on December 5th and 6th. The Foundation elicited that they are looking forward to participation from the local islands to make it another Grand event.

Currently, the Foundation has set an outline and is sending out letters to all stakeholders involved in Saba Day. Lisa Hassell stated to GIS, "As a Foundation we look forward to working closely with outside organizations to make this year another success".

Commissioner Zagers is urging local businesses and community to come forward in helping make this year a memorable as well. "I hope to see everyone showing their patriotism while coming out to support Saba Day. Plans are well underway and people can expect another fulfilled event this year." stated Zagers.

Source: Saba Government Information Services –