Commissioner Hyacinth Richardson addresses representatives Dutch/French on Rights of the Child 2009


Commissioner of Youth Affairs Hyacinth Richardson on behalf of the government of St. Maarten commended former Mayor Albert Fleming for proposing the partnership of organizing activities together in observance of International Day of the Child here on St. Maarten/St. Martin.


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This is the 6th year of partnership and the commissioner assured everyone present that the Island Government of St. Maarten is committed to continue observing and celebrating the Rights of Children with the Collectivite of St. Martin.

"We are not only committed to this event but to future partnerships on Youth and Child development and in other areas," Commissioner of Youth Affairs Hyacinth Richardson stated.

This year the theme is Strong Families, Strong Communities, Strong Nation, Strong Children which is appropriate considering the amount of violence and neglect that is visible on the Island.

This theme places emphasis on the fact that it takes a village to raise a child. All families, communities and government must ensure that their responsibilities towards the children are lived up to. Only then can we be sure to have strong children, continuing to promote the ideology that all of us are responsible for the well being of our children, Commissioner Richardson pointed out.

The commissioner also welcomed the participation of our Sister Island Anguilla although unfortunately representatives of the island were unable to be present.

Participation of Saba and Statia would also be a welcome change.

The organizing committee was thanked by the commissioner for their dedication and perseverance in organizing this event over the years."

Commissioner Hyacinth Richardson added that he looks forward to the finalization of the program and a successful celebration.