One of the fundamentals of Foundation Based Education (FBE) is the use of ICT (Information Communication & Technology) in the classroom. The students are introduced to the computer in Cycle I and learn how to use and operate the computer to gain knowledge and do research.
Over the years DERPI has provided all FBE schools with computers for the classrooms through funding for education projects received through USONA.
During the school year 2008-2009 DERPI received requests from FBE School board representatives as well as from some Cycle II teachers for assistance in organizing computer training for the Cycle II teachers. Teachers also asked for assistance on how to use the computer as an instructional tool.
DERPI commissioned a Digital Literacy Assessment study of all Cycle II teachers, the results indicated that a large number of the teachers were not as computer literate as is demanded for them to operate efficiently in this system.
Presently the training has started with 86 teachers from Cycle II with training in basic training in Computer/ PC – Management, Power Point, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.
The 86 training have been grouped according to their computer competency levels.
The training is scheduled to last for four (4) months. Each month the training will focus on one component, which will be Computer/ PC- management, Power Point, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. The sessions are held once a week in the afternoon from 2:30 – 5:30 p.m.
The Computer institute of The Caribbean has been contracted to provide the training based on the positive results of the ICT training for the FBE school directors during school year 2007 – 2008.
DERPI will look into organizing training in the future for those teachers who are in the category of an advanced level according to the Digital Literacy Assessment.
The abovementioned training is being organized by DERPI with funding from USONA through the Project Programma Onderwijs & Jongeren 2008- 2012.
Written by Ms. Oralie Boirard, Project Manager F.B.E.
Approved by Ms. Patricia Lourens, Department Head of DERPI