As part of the SEI Program, Bart Pasman of USONA paid a working visit to the Island Government of Saba. This visit entailed the signing of a Dutch funded program for the "increase of the tourist bureau budget for the next two years", in the amount of 100,000 FLS. Commissioner of Tourism, Mr. Chris Johnson attended the meeting and co-signed the agreement with Bart Pasman
"Island Government has made sure to pay special attention to the tourism market and in collaboration with the tourist bureau, these marketing materials will be used to promote Saba as a whole", stated Commissioner Johnson
These funds will go towards the continuation of the marketing initiative which started with the quick-win project. Furthermore, the funds will also assist in the completion of promotional materials, enhancing the tourism website, and radio/television advertising on Sint Maarten. Director of Tourism Glenn Holm stated to GIS, "This is a continuation of our regional marketing initiative and we’re thrilled to have the continued support of USONA".