Midas Roundabout Traffic Diversions Coming

"Midas Roundabout Traffic Diversion"

Public Notice

On behalf of the Island Government of St.Maarten, the Department of New Projects Development and Planning would like to inform you of the following construction works on the Midas Roundabout (Cole Bay Roundabout), upgrade of the infrastructure.

As you may have noticed construction works has already begun to improve the traffic situation at the intersection at the bottom of Cole Bay Hill; A.J.C Brouwers Road connecting Union Road and the Welfare Road, whereby all traffic going to and coming from Philipsburg intersect at that specified point creating a dangerous situation for all.


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Therefore we are pleased to inform you that the realization of this project has begun and works are being carried out. The first traffic hindrance will be over the weekend (June 20th and 21st). Works include grading and resurfacing of the road, we are urging the public to drive with caution. Further assistance will be provided by the traffic control department. The Union Road at the intersection of A.J.C. Brouwers Road will become a temporary one lane traffic situation up until the Shell Gas Station.

The total duration of the project is estimated at two and a half months with the project due to be completed in the month of August 2009.

With regards to the progress of work on the Midas Roundabout, diversion routes will be set in place with sufficient information boards and traffic signs commencing June 20 to August 9th indicating the diversion routes. We are urging the community to please abide to the changes for a smooth and safe transition, so please take extra caution while driving along these routes.

We apologize for any undue inconveniences that these traffic alterations may cause. Trusting to have informed you sufficiently, working together towards a better St. Maarten for us all.

Please feel free to contact Mr. Kurt A. Ruan, Head of Department New Projects Development and Planning, or Ms. Nathalie Parotte, Project Manager if any questions arises with regards to the current information to the sector R.O.B., Department New Projects Development and Planning by the following E-mail address: sxmnewprojects@gmail.com or by telephone: 5424289.