In 2008 DERPI commissioned a study by Dutch Language expert drs. Petra van Gent, on the use of the Dutch methods in Cycle I of all FBE schools. The outcome of this research indicated that the methods in the schools were not age appropriate for the students. The information of the research was shared with the school boards and the discussions began to look for a more interactive method introducing Dutch as a Foreign Language to our students.
The Sr. Regina School started the new school year 2008-2009 with the introduction of the interactive method of "IK & KO" in the first 2 years of Cycle I.
The "IK & KO" is an interactive Dutch language method used in the Netherlands in multi-lingual schools with the 4 and 5 year old students.
DERPI made contact with the Sr. Regina School to see the method being used. A suggestion was also made to all school boards and the school directors to visit the Sr. Regina School to have a look of the method. Drs. Petra van Gent was also asked for advise on this matter.
The end result was that all school boards indicated to DERPI that they would want this method ordered for their Cycle I classes. The order was placed under the condition that all Cycle I teachers participate in the training to introduce the new method in the schools. The method will be adapted to the St. Maarten situation and will be introduced in the context of Dutch as a Foreign Language. A two day training session is planned for the month of August 2009 for all Cycle I teachers.
Next school year DERPI will purchase a common reading method based on the same program for year 2 and 3 of Cycle I and for Cycle II to ensure that all schools have the follow up methods.
During the first week of June 2009 all FBE schools received the Dutch method to be used in the Cycle I classes. The financing for this project comes from the USONA Funding of the Onderwijs &Jongeren Program.