USM thanks three “Classroom Sponsors”


The Board of Directors, Management, Staff and Students of the University of St. Martin (USM) on Tuesday publically thanked three contributors to the fundraising efforts.

The three contributors are AFOO GROUP OF COMPANIES, BALLLERINA JEWELERS, AND THE DR. A.C. WATHEY CRUISE FACILITIES. These are the first companies to be publicly thanked and more are expected to follow.

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These companies each donated US$20,000, as Classroom Sponsors last year, to USM during its fundraising drive where some $1.8 million in donation and pledges were received. These funds are being used in the construction of the upper floor of USM and efforts to obtain accreditation.

In a ceremony on Monday, January 26, 2009 plaques were placed on the doors of classrooms 110 for Dr. A.C. Wathey Cruise Facilities, Classroom 103 for the Afoo Group of companies, and Classroom 104 for Ballerina Jewelers. These plaques, while honoring the sponsors, are designed to remind student of the generous contribution by these sponsors.

Present for the plaque unveiling were Ballerina Jewelers representative Peter Mirpuri, Afoo Group of Companies representative Fanny Cheng, and Michel Soons from the Dr. A.C. Wathey Cruise Facilities as well as USM President Josianne Fleming and Board Members Lockie Johnson, Danny Ramchandani, Valerie Giterson Pantophlet. The Dean of Academic Affairs Dr. Ron Pribble, Chief Financial Officer Ken Nolan, and other invited guests were also present.

The recently added second floor at USM, which includes more classrooms and office space, is complete. Currently, particulars for the office space are being added. The aim is to have all the classrooms and office spaces ready for the upcoming 2009-2010 academic school year.

Other USM Classroom Sponsors include ACE Mega Center, American University of the Caribbean, Krebbers Associates N.V., Le Grand Marche, Nordic Fish Company N.V., Philipsburg Liquor Store, Regina Buncamper, Senator and Mrs. Edward Brooke, the Ramchandani family, and the University of the Virgin Islands.

USM, which was founded in 1989, is the island’s only tertiary institution offering associate, and bachelor degrees and one masters degree.