Sports Policy

After almost two years in the making Commissioner of Sports Maria Buncamper-Molanus announced on May 20th 2009, that the Integrated Sports Policy will be handled by the Executive Council within short. "I’ve always believed that something of such importance should be done right rather than rushed. The Sports Policy is a collaborative effort of all stakeholders of sports on St. Maarten."

While recognizing that the articulation of public policy is ultimately a governmental responsibility, various partners were invited to participate in the development of the St. Maarten Sports Policy document. All were driven by a common goal – to make the sports system more effective and inclusive. The policy challenges all stakeholders to open sports to every segment of our society. It welcomes and seeks to involve all those who do not currently consider themselves a part of either the sporting community or the sports system, but have the potential and the desire to contribute.


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There are several reasons that mandate the formulation of a sports policy with the main two being.

1. To further strengthen and develop sports on St. Maarten

2. To ensure an atmosphere that enables all citizens to achieve the highest quality of life.

As such, the goal of the policy is to achieve a situation in which:

1. Sports on St. Maarten are strengthened and developed;

2. An atmosphere which enables all citizens to achieve the highest quality of life is ensured;

3. The coherency between the decision makers and the practitioners of recreational and professional sports is facilitated;

4. The development of facilities and sporting infrastructure is consonant with the needs and resources of the country;

5. A proper structure outlining the implementation of physical education and sports in our educational system is ensured;

6. The formulation of strategies and programs that will facilitate the development and management of sports is ensured;

7. Career opportunities (talent scholarships, elite sports) are developed;

8. The integration of sports is ensured when developing governmental health, economic, social, educational and environmental programs and policies.

Stakeholders in the field of sports during the policy consultation process were invited to discuss a number of areas that are crucial to a positive development of sports in St. Maarten and as such Government recognizes and accepts the vital role that it has to play in this process. Government also recognizes and accepts the reality that the only way to achieve the goals that have been prioritized is through an active partnership with volunteers and the private sector.

To achieve the goals listed above and to build the platform from which fitting programs and projects for sports can be developed. The involvement and active participation of all key stakeholders are essential. To name but a few areas:

1. Sports legislation.

2. Sports and the elderly

3. Women and Sports

4. Sports and the youth

5. Sport and Mental & Physical development

6. Ethics, values and moral development

7. Sports and the Media

8. Facility Management

9. Sport & Tourism

10. Sport and Economic Development

11. Sport exchanges

Lastly, there are also various bodies, agencies, councils and departments that are part of the sporting infrastructure and as such a proper management structure has to be designed. The division and balance of authority, responsibility and tasks are extremely important considering some bodies will have a supervisory and advisory nature and others an execution nature.

While the government’s Department of Youth & Sports will be responsible for the development of sport policies in consultation with other relevant stakeholders, the task of implementation will fall with the Sports development Foundation. It will also be responsible for the administration and coordination of sports within the country including where such sporting activities take place in the school system. In addition, the Sports Development Foundation will be responsible for raising and distributing funds for sport from both governmental (after approval from the Executive Council) and non-governmental sources.

Also important to mention is the task of the St. Maarten Sports Federation. The Federation will be responsible for mediating and possibly resolving sporting disputes before they reach Courts of Law and function as a facilitator between local sports organizations and athletes.

As Commissioner in charge of Sports and Sports Development on St. Maarten, I am thankful to the many co-authors of the policy and for the overall service they have rendered to sports. Rome was not built in a day. It took years and years to attain magnificence. In this context, a start in the right direction has been made with the sports policy.