The following is the speech on Fish Day:
Ladies and gentlemen
It is with joy that I address you today
For the people of Saint Martin,
Day of fishing, fish, sea, is more than symbolic,
Fish Day has become in few years, a step of our traditions.
Its rapid success and shows the willingness of our people,
to defend its identity Saint Martinois.
This feast day is in line with the Friendly Island,
and confirms the qualities of home, of happiness, which we St.Martiners
Continue to view our traditions show our differences,
what we call our specificities.
Yes we are training Anglo Saxon, we speak English in our homes
Yes we are french, and we claim
Yes we are European, throughout our history we shared four nationalities europeennes.
This is our history and we must make it known.
1648 Dice, the Treaty of Concordia, in Article 5,
establishes that the products of the sea,
are common to all the inhabitants of the island.
It underlines our already spécificité main
The right to move goods and people between our two countries.
I hasten to say that this right does not preclude control products.
We know that the effects of globalization, we have many more health care.
Faced with high population growth which have been ours in recent years
protection of public health is essential.
The news reminds us.
Throughout our history, we have attracted the interest and disinterest,
Our small island has known the struggles of the 17th and 18th,
in turn … Spanish,
French … … English … Dutch … English … french
It seems to me that we had more important at this time that today ….
We were new to English at the beginning of the 19th,
in 1819, a cyclone ravaged the island.
Once again the Saint Martiners had to rebuild,
Despite the harvest of salt, the 19th century is illustrated by a strong economic slowdown,
our families have been poor in the 20th century.
Our grandparents remember, this period of abandonment.
The state responded to subscribers french absent.
For years we have suffered external decisions, without that we can give our opinion.
Yes the people of our community is different,
this is why we voted for in Article 74.
Yes the choice is difficult, there was no other worthy to enter in the 20th century,
There was no other to provide a future for our children,
A future that I want to responsible and open, on the Caribbean basin, our environment.
We show the way for other French islands in search of a new status
Place the respect of our differences in French and European laws, is a big job
This path is more like a course, only one consultation.
We must constantly remember that we are, who we are.
To be a force, to claim our identity St.Martiners, we must be united.
To make known our traditions through festivals, by moments of happiness, moments of well-being
the best is to use vectors to support the great values of solidarity that are ours.
Trade full of joy that announce the day that we begin
foster attitudes of good citizenship which lack both the modern world.
We give an example
We support the Fish Day
We will support the organization,
to improve it and give this day regional echo it deserves,
you deserve
We must give him the notoriety which brings the Fish Day beyond our shores.
Ladies and gentlemen thank you