On Tuesday, April 14, 2008, the first Active parenting of TEENS Parent workshop was conducted for a select group of NAGICO employees. NAGICO is the first company to respond to the initiative to host Active Parenting of TEENS workshops designed to inform and educate working parents on parenting aspects.
Active Parenting of TEENS provides the guidance and support parents need to turn the challenges of raising a teenager into opportunities for growth. Active Parenting of Teens a video-based discussion program teaching parents the skills they need to address such critical issues as drugs and alcohol use, teen sexuality, teens online, bullying and depression.
The success of the introduction of this parenting program is dependant on the involvement and participation of the parents. By conducting parent workshops within work-hours and the workplace, we will be able to reach more parents than ever before.
The Active Parenting of TEENS workshop will consist of 3 weekly sessions and conducted by trainer Mr. R. Davis.
DERPI would like to thank the management of NAGICO for their enthusiastic support and the employees for their participation.
This initiative is funded by USONA as part of the implementation of the Project Plan VSBO, Sint Maarten.
Clarise Benschop
Assistant Task Manager FO/BO