Condolence Register in memory of Cyril Ebenezer Richardson

Cyril Ebenezer Richardson, born on April 15, 1943, passed away February 3, 2009 was a member of the Island Council of St. Maarten from 1987-1991, and during that time he was Commissioner of Public Works, Finance & Sports as well. He served in the Executive Council along with Patricia Flanders, Valerie Giterson-Pantophlet and Dennis Pantophlet from 1989 – 1991.

In memory of Mr. Cyril Ebenezer Richardson, there will be a Condolence Register in the lobby area of the Government Administration Building in Philipsburg. The public is invited to sign the Condolence Register for the late Ebenezer Richardson. The register will be open from Thursday February 12th at 12 noon until Monday, February 9, 2009 at 9 a.m.

On Monday, 9th at 9 a.m., there will be an Extra-ordinary Island Council meeting in memory of Mr. E. Richardson

On behalf of the entire Civil Service and the Island Government of St. Maarten, the Executive Council expresses sincere condolences to the family and friends of the late Cyril Ebenezer Richardson.


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