Information about the installation of the Centraal College voor de Reclassering of St. Maarten

On the 17th of November 2010 the Centraal College voor de Reclassering (CCR) was set by Ministerial Order.

The basis for the establishment of the CCR is based on the Reclasseringsbesluit 1953 and Criminal Law.

The CCR is an advisory body to the Minister of Justice on requests from inmates for release on conditional parole and electronic supervision.  

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A convicted person sentenced to prison can request to be released on conditional parole after he has served two-thirds and nine months of his sentence.

A decision in regards to conditional release and/or electronic supervision remains under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Justice.

It is essential; with the preparation of such a decision that a long with the standpoint of the prison director and the probation office (SJIB) also that of other experts familiar with the problems in the judiciary system be included.

When forming the CCR emphasis was placed on the fact that temporary probation is aimed at re-socialization and prevention, so that detainees during their temporary probation period or electronic supervision as well as at the end of their sentence, would not relapse into criminal behavior again.

With the professional background and expertise of the CCR members, they ensure that the Minister of Justice is prudently advised on these risks.

The CCR members are:

– Ms. dr. J. Arndell

– Mr. H.W. Havertong

– Mr. Ch.V.A. Richards

– Mr. drs. U.G. Aron

– G. Hatzmann