Chaotic first day with registration of illegal foreigners


WILLEMSTAD — An estimated five-hundred foreigners had gathered at the entrance of the Sentro Deportivo Kòrsou (SDK) this morning. Things had already started to go wrong during the distribution of the numbers to report to a counter. Elbows were used and people stood on chairs. Protests were heard, mainly in Creole and Patois. Perspiration and other odors mixed gradually. A female demonstratively applied deodorant.


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The Brooks Towers-agreement became effective today. Until December 15th, all unregistered foreigners will be given the opportunity to register in order to qualify for a temporary residence permit of one year. They had been requested to submit original documents as well as copies, of for example a passport and evidence of arrival. Apparently, that message had not come across entirely, so many were forced to first make copies and return afterwards. In any case, there were bitter complaints on the settlements. Some had even arrived at the entrance as of two o’clock in the morning. Chairs had been taken along and AVD-guards had to keep the situation under control. There were only 200 numbers for distribution and latecomers threatened to miss the boat, which led to violent protests. "Actually, they should have placed crush barriers from the outside entrance onwards", an official of the organization stated while he distributed information papers. "No, these are in the English language; those in Papiamento and Spanish are distributed inside. Yes, it is busy today, but it should be more peaceful the coming days as this situation will continue until December 15th." Had the organization not counted on such an enormous flood? "Yes, they actually had", he admits sniggering.

It was a medley of languages this morning in front of the SDK-station, Creole, Patois, Spanish and English. Some had even taken their children along. Even though they were born here, they are illegal just like their parents. It is not easy to register oneself on the island.

"The law keeps changing", says a 19-year old Haitian female who had came to the island in 2003. "At the time, we were told that we had to wait for the application abroad. My documents have been in the pipeline for years, but I still have not heard anything." Fatuchand van Ierland acts as consultant for foreigners. "People have submitted their papers for a work permit with the Department of Labor Affairs since 2006, 2007 or 2008. The tariff had first amounted to 250 guilders and become 1000 guilders later on. However, they were never informed afterwards. How is it possible that other consultants can arrange for a permit within 24 hours?"

The Columbian Margarita has been living on Curaçao since 1998. She had been a legal foreigner until her permit had expired and had no one to act as guarantor afterwards. She has been illegal on the island for four years now. However, she has a guarantor now and is going to submit her documents, also those for her children of seven and four years of age. "They attend school and are just starting to learn the Dutch language." Was she never afraid of being arrested? "Of course, that’s why I only ventured out of doors when it was necessary." A Surinamese youngster had come for information. "I have to submit an evidence of good behavior but they don’t want to issue such here and I haven’t succeeded in Surinam either. I don’t know if this is feasible within this determined period", he sighs. Four Haitian teenagers are waiting on a bench outside. They have been living on the island since 2003 and were never legalized "My mother is a legal foreigner but unmarried and that’s why it will never work out", the teenager said. "I just attend school as they have to admit me there."

Only people who had arrived on the island before 2006 will qualify for the temporary residence permit. The following websites have been set up to simplify the provision of information regarding the relevant requirements: