EU declares Antillean dairy export unfit for human consumption

WILLEMSTAD/HILVERSUM — The Antillean dairy export to the EU does not comply with the regulations. The World Broadcast announced that the inspector of Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) of the European Community drew this conclusion after a research on five companies.


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The report states that the companies are negligent in the maintenance of the buildings. In addition, there is criticism on the cleaning and the hygiene. Birds and vermin were found in some of the production areas.
Inspector Sing Pong Lee of the Antillean Inspection for the Public Health, the supervisory authority, finds the European criticism overplayed. He stated on the radio: "An inspection is a random indication; the research is slightly exaggerated".

The health inspection of the dairy products that are originally produced in other countries also raises questions. The foreign ingredients such as milk powder are mixed with ingredients such as cacao, sugar and butter substances on Curaçao. The imported milk is first processed with semi manufactured dairy products in the Antilles, and then exported to the EU.
Lee underplays the criticism: "We have over fifty health certificates of which one could not be guaranteed." Furthermore, there is criticism on the laboratory where other tests and researches are also being carried out. There is a chance of cross-infection in the experimental center.
However, Lee will carry out the EU-recommendations. "The recommendations in the report must be implemented. There is no export to the UE at the moment. We shall discuss the research with the companies and decide when they will be able to start up again."

In 2007 and 2008, respectively 5000 and 4000 tons of dairy products were exported via the Antilles to especially the Netherlands and Belgium. One of the companies that were researched still produces Ponche Crema and Cuba. These drinks are still being exported to Europe. "Ponche Cuba is considered liquor that is imported without a health certificate, just like Baileys and other alcoholic products containing milk".
According to Lee, the report does not concern the local market. "The dairy on the local consumer market is in the hands of the GGD (Local Health Authority). The Antillean Inspection for the Public Health only supervises companies exporting to the EU." According to the World Broadcast, Lee does not consider it necessary to put this research on the political agenda.


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