Dutch Caribbean students welcomed in Amsterdam

AMSTERDAM – The Municipality of Amsterdam on Thursday gave some thirty new students from the Dutch Caribbean a warm welcome to the city. This was the tenth time that the welcoming…

Optimism for High-Season intensifies as Port St. Maarten Group and Minister Lawrence confirms possibility of new Homeporting options

PORT ST. MAARTEN – During the Caribbean’s largest and only official Cruise event in the region, the 27th Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) took place in Panama this week, Port St.…

3 COVID-19 recoveries today.

As of October 21st, there was one (1) person who tested positive for COVID-19; however three (3) persons have recovered; bringing the total active cases to forty six (46). The…

The General Audit Chamber submitted its report entitled Compliance audit:

APS’ 2020 Financial Statements (General Pension Fund Sint Maarten / Algemeen Pensioenfonds Sint Maarten) to Parliament. The report addresses findings and conclusions resulting from the review of the pension fund…

Minor consumed marijuana laced cake

On Monday evening, October 18, 2021 Central Dispatch received a report from the St.Maarten Medical Center of a four-year-old child who was brought in who was believed to have consumed…

New Delta variant also found in the Netherlands

MAIN | By Correspondent Oct. 21, 2021 AMSTERDAM – A few cases of the new sub-variant of the coronavirus Delta variant have been diagnosed in the Netherlands, according to the public health institute RIVM,…

Public Health Inspectorate: “Elective care must be resumed”

MAIN | By Correspondent Oct. 21, 2021 WILLEMSTAD – According to the Public Health Inspectorate, the stop of elective care by the Curaçao Medical Center (CMC) as of October 1 is not justified. Inspector…

Patrick Newton possibly new director of RdK

MAIN | By Correspondent Oct. 21, 2021 WILLEMSTAD – According to reliable sources, the new interim director of the government-owned company Refineria di Korsou (RdK) will be Patrick Newton. He would take over from…

More ABN Amro clients to pay negative interest on savings

MAIN | By Correspondent Oct. 20, 2021 AMSTERDAM – From January 1, ABN Amro customers with more than 100,000 euros in savings will be charged negative interest. This means they’ll have to pay interest…

Suspect says he had no serious plans to kill Dutch PM

MAIN | By Correspondent Oct. 20, 2021 THE HAGUE – Yavuz O., a 22-year-old Amsterdam man in custody for threatening to kill Prime Minister Mark Rutte and recruiting people to storm parliament violently, did…