Member of Parliament convicted for bribery to 32 months imprisonment and a 7 year ban on holding public office in ‘Ruby’ case

C.B., a Member of Parliament was sentenced by The Court of FirstInstance to an unconditional prison sentence of thirty-two (32) months and to a 7-year ban on holding public office…

Saba, Kindernet sign twinning contract

SABA—The Public Entity Saba and the Kindernet childcare organization from the Netherlands last week sealed their collaboration by signing a twinning contract.As part of the BES(t)4Kids program, the Day Care…

CPS says have a COVID-19 Safe Holiday Season by Getting Vaccinated, or Boosted and Following Preventive Measures

The Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a department in the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (Ministry VSA), said on Monday that the number of COVID-19 cases are on…

Sint Maarten Tourism Bureau Congratulates William Bell on 35th Anniversary at STB

The Sint Maarten Tourism Bureau (STB) management and staff would like to congratulate William Bell on his 35th anniversary working with STB. Bell started working at STB on September 1, 1986.…

Integrity of Payments System not Compromised

The Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten (CBCS) recentlyreceived the final report on the forensic investigation conducted in response to the cyberattack on its IT-environment, finding that the integrity…

Nature Foundation St. Maarten Begins School Presentations for In-No-Plastic Initiative to Reduce Plastic

The Nature Foundation St. Maarten has begun presenting at local schools on St. Maarten about plastic and how to keep our environment safe and healthy. The presentations are within the…

Posthumous honor for Saba-born Jewish nurse Thelma Polak

Thelma Esther Polak, the Saba-born Jewish nurse who was murdered at concentration camp Sobibor in 1943, was honored posthumously on Sunday, December 19 with the unveiling of a plaque in…

Makana Ferry: Two-day pause due to mechanical issue, back-up vessel on the way

On Sunday December 19, 2021 the MV Makana encountereda mechanical issue that caused the cancellation of all Saba and Statia routes.According to Captain Dwayne Hodge, the output flange failed. The…

Serious traffic accident on Welfare Road

At approximately 7:15am on Wednesday, December 15, 2021 , CentralDispatch received several calls about a serious accident on Welfare Road.Based on information recieved, a motorcycle rider was struck and badlyinjured…

High Demand for Corporate Jet parking at Princess Juliana International Airport

Aviation Executives of the Princess Juliana International Airport Operating Company (PJIAE N.V.) have engaged in advanced operational flow management meetings, to effectively strategize the high traffic demand for the corporate jet…