Makana Ferry: Online Booking Service Now Available

Blues and Blues Ltd announces the launch of the Makana ferry online bookingplatform. In addition to regular, reliable, friendly, and affordable service to theislands of Saba, Statia and St. Maarten,…

Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency trainers visit Sint Maarten for prison assessment

Philipsburg – On Wednesday, March 2nd, the Minister of Justice, Ms. Anna E. Richardson held anintroductory meeting with trainers of the prison training institute of the Dutch Custodial InstitutionsAgency (Dienst…

First phase goat project sees recovery native vegetation

SABA—The first phase of the goat control project has produced tangible results. With the removal ofclose to 1,300 wild goats, Saba’s nature is visibly recovering thanks to the work of…

Three immigrants released and ordered to leave the island

Philipsburg – On March 1, 2022, the Court of First Instance ruled in three administrative injunctioncases brought forward by three immigrants without a residence permit for either the Dutch side…

Senate delegation, Executive and Island Council take part in session

SABA—Four main topics for Saba were elaborated on and discussed during a session with the ExecutiveCouncil, Island Council and the delegation of the First Chamber of the Dutch Parliament, the…

Minister Lawrence continues to further explore and facilitate local business and employment opportunities

SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG) – Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport andTelecommunications (Minister of TEATT) Hon. Roger Lawrence met with Lucky Cosmeticsmanaging director Prakash Menghani on Wednesday February 9th, 2022, for…

Immigration Border Protection Services unveil new look for its vehicles

Philipsburg – In a bid to mark the one-year separation of the Immigration Border ProtectionDepartment (IBP) from the KPSM Police Force, the new look of the IBP vehicle was unveiled…

TuranGoeloe blijft studenten uit Caribisch Nederland begeleiden

Het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap heeft op 22 februarieen overeenkomst met bureau TuranGoeloe getekend voor de opvang enbegeleiding van studenten uit Caribisch Nederland die hun opleiding inNederland gaan…

TuranGoeloe will continue to provide assistance and guidance to students from the Caribbean Netherlands

On 22nd of February, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science signedan agreement with the agency TuranGoeloe for the assistance and guidanceof students from the Caribbean Netherlands who will be…

First phase goat project sees recovery native vegetation

SABA—The first phase of the goat control project has produced tangible results. With the removal ofclose to 1,300 wild goats, Saba’s nature is visibly recovering thanks to the work of…