The WICSU/PSU would like to inform all its members and supporters, pertaining to the cost of living adjustment as follows:
With regards to the statements in the media earlier Wednesday, the WICSU/PSU wish to clarify its position based on the joint meeting of Monday January 24th 2011 with the WITU.
In an obvious reaction to our meeting on Monday, the minister of Finance invited the Unions to a hastily called meeting at 3 p.m. Wednesday. This meeting is called to arrive at a position on the cost of living adjustment owed to the workers. The Unions recognized that based on Mondays meeting members are anxious for information, in this regard, there was a general meeting involving both Unions at the end of the work day. Whereas teachers were asked to assemble at 3 p.m. in the afternoon, all other government workers are to remain at their posts, for the duration of the normal working hours. The Unions cannot sanction any worker leaving their post during the time while the meeting is ongoing.The unions addressed them after the meeting with the minister.