NAGICO Opens its Doors to Aspiring I.T. Professional


Philipsburg- Nation building is one of the many things that NAGICO Insurances prides itself in and that includes giving young people the opportunity to be part of the working force.

Neil Gursahani, a student of the St. Dominic High School is currently on a one-week job training at NAGICO and is ecstatic that he was given the opportunity to join such a prestigious company.

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"I plan on entering the Information Technology field and I was very happy when I was chosen to come to join the I.T department of NAGICO," he said. "I do believe that this will give me the chance to obtain some good job experience and I am grateful for the opportunity."

The purpose of the internship is to allow students to explore the working world in the career path they have chosen and also to give them firsthand knowledge on how to conduct themselves professionally. Each year, NAGICO partners with various schools on the island allowing several students to do their job training in fields that are similar or pertinent to the profession they choose.


NAGICO Insurances Executive Director in charge of IT, Vincent Haakmat welcomed Gursahani to his team and encouraged him to make the best of this opportunity and to feel free to seek assistance from any of the skilled professionals working in the department.