The SP wants the tax on the BES islands, Curacao and St. Maarten is pulled similar. For example, under tax competition within the Kingdom are avoided. But the plan has little chance, appeared during discussions in Parliament.
Minister of Finance Jan Kees de Jager will yet profit tax (corporate tax in the Netherlands) on the BES islands just abolish it. Instead he wants to introduce two new taxes. Of touch is this unnecessarily complicated and thus prefer a tax that is the same everywhere. He believes that the minister maintains tax havens.
Tap on the wishes of special economic zones where only 2 percent income tax paid. "The minister wants the tax to Bonaire and St. Eustatius reduced to zero." According to the SP MP Ronald van Raak are CuraƧao and Sint Maarten also willing to charge a 15 percent in special economic zones. "Then the islands of a new financial start."
Vote with feet
The chance that companies now use the special economic zones will leave when they have to pay 15 percent tax Touch Of eight small. Mr De Jager warned of "voting with their feet by enterprises. The U.S. oil transfer station of NuStar’s on St. Eustatius mainly because of its geographical location, he believes Touch: "This is a crossroads of two international waterways. It’s terribly expensive to go away."
That it was the Dutch minister a tax equal to the islands by means of touch is strange: "Then you get tax competition." It calls on the Minister to further discuss this matter further with financial specialists in Curacao. The SP still hopes to attract sufficient support for the introduction of corporation tax of 15 percent.
No majority
Although other parties critical of the bill of Minister De Jager, signed during the discussions in the standing committee on Naaz no majority for the amendment of Van Raak. The Green proposal to introduce an earned income of citizens of the BES islands does not seem to get. A higher income tax would work attractiveness, but according to De Jager is the taxation in his bill is already high.
According to the latest amendment to the bill penshonado get on the BES islands a shorter transition period: four instead of five years. Also, the tax rate for the highest incomes (above $ 250,000) increased from 30.4 to 35.4 percent. The vote on the tax law stands for Wednesday, September 29 on the agenda of the House.