It is no longer possible to freely live in one of the BES islands if you’re from the Netherlands, Aruba, Curacao and Sint Maarten will. Now there is a "temporary residence permit" is required. It is this Law Admission and Expulsion BES, which the Senate in the Netherlands Tuesday, September 28 agreed.
The authorization is required when someone longer than six months at one of the BES islands will stay. Anyone who vacation to Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba will, there is no need to request permission. But the people of Aruba, Curacao and St. Maarten more rights than, say residents of Brazil and Venezuela that are on the BES islands want to settle. "There is in the law distinguishes between children and the island country kids," says Senator Marijke Linthorst (PvdA) from.
Residents of the BES islands located on St. Maarten for example want to settle, have yet to make an authorization. Linthorst: "It depends on what St. Maarten will do. This is an autonomous country so they get a private Act Admission and Expulsion. But that is not ready yet."
That migration is changing in the future, it is in accordance Linthorst. Rules should be established to prevent an influx of people from other islands to the BES islands is due to better facilities like education and health, says the Senator.
During treatment, Law Admission and Expulsion BES also discussed the Movement of Persons Act. A majority in the Senate is in favor of the law which stricter admission to poorly educated Antillean will provide. The risk for these young people harder to move to the Netherlands. Probably not until the Act of March vote.