With the contributions to the final product of the Constitution of Country St. Maarten fresh in the minds of the Christian Community, the St. Maarten Christian Council, The St. Maarten Ministerial Foundation and the Seven Day Adventist Churches embarked on meeting with the political parties involved in the September 17th 2010 early elections.
The first meetings were with the UPP & CPA and NA and the DP could not participate because of scheduling problems. The UPP had as a redline during the discussion that they were of the opinion that the Christian Community has been too passive and should more take on the profiling of e.g. SHTA.
On the separation of church and state the party upheld that principle but felt too much authority has been given to government to dictate how things should be done. They were of the opinion that the churches must be prepared to get involved. The UPP envisaged the church via Culture and Education introducing Christian principles. As for Prayer at the start of all meetings, the party will encourage this as well as legislating the need for a chaplain.
The UPP wants to have all stakeholders engaged in a discussion on nudity on the streets and carnival.
The healthcare is the most expensive element in government, however the UPP felt the Medical Centre should be brought the standard of state of the art with telecasting operations. A conscious push will be made to emphasize the programmes during the terms of Commissioners Meyers as far as preventative methods and using generic drugs to reduce the cost of healthcare. We were further referred to the manifesto of UPP that would be brought to the Christian community.
In education the party would emphasized the programmes of no child must be left behind.
In economy the emphasis would be to invest in trade and they will make sure the labour law is applied and Seven Day Adventist will not be discriminated. The UPP is against same sex marriages, and euthanasia.
The CPA stands for a close working relationship with the Christian community, but believes in the separation of church and state. They believed that the persons chosen for Parliament must be examples.
A chaplain must be definitely appointed for Parliament as this also avoids corruption in Government.
The CPA will call for more consultation between clergy and government.
A cabinet minister of Ecclesiastic Affairs is something they will certainly support and implement prayer, while supporting the on going annual events financially.
The CPA is against same sex marriages while they feel that government and the Christian community must set up offices to counsel those wanting to go into this. On abortion the CPA feels it is something one should be very careful with, while the party has not yet looked into euthanasia. But the party is contra hanging.
On education, the party has no problem with compulsory education, but feels it should be tied to a strong immigration policy.
The party feels that on healthcare much collaboration should be sought with the frenside and other islands in the vicinity, especially to reduce the costs of healthcare.
The manifesto was not yet ready but as soon as it was complete copies will be forwarded to the Christian community.
The National Alliance was the third party to individually sit with the churches. On the matter of separation of church and state, the party said that while there are and must be clear lines of responsibilities between Church and state, there cannot be a total separation of both, since they both need to work together in order to fulfill their responsibilities.
On the philosophy of prayer before meetings, National Alliance believes that while the idea of prayer at the annual opening of parliament is a good idea, implementing this will need to be properly discussed for its application.
The National Alliance further believed that the Public Religious services are important and that they have played an important role in the spiritual life of the nation in the past. The N.A. Government will continue to support these ventures in every way it can.
While individuals cannot be forced to take part in these activities, the N.A. Government will encourage and ensure as much as possible that its Government leaders support these services.
On the cardinal points of Same- sex marriage, abortion and euthanasia as social ills, the National Alliance Party does not have an expressed corporate stand on the matters; members of the N.A. Government do have their own personal views. The matter will be more centered on.
The morals of the country that are being trampled on and the N.A. believes that there are laws which regulate these issues, and these laws must be looked at and the necessary steps taken to enforce these laws.
The National Alliance feels that St. Maarten is a signatory to the International Human Rights treaty, and so all persons when taken into police custody must be treated with dignity and availing their rights to them. The N.A. Government will continue to ensure that good practices are upheld. The N.A. Government believes that every child should be and must be afforded the right to an education, and so they will continue to implement this program. Finances have been and will continue to be made available for this program. There must be a proper system to ensure that issues concerning immigration and the compulsory education work hand in hand.