Democratic Party’s Contact Meeting A Success

The Democratic Party held another successful contact meeting on Sunday, August 15 in the district of Fort Willem at the home of DP candidate Harry Brown. Many persons attended this meeting to hear from the DP its views on the upcoming election, but equally important to give their own views on matters affecting St. Martin. 

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As we go into the September election for country St. Martin, we are as an island at a point not often seen before.

A government that knows not what it is doing, crime out of control, cost of living skyrocketing, high unemployment, inefficient social services, social discord, in other words an island in peril.

It is beyond imagination that after a bare 14 months of a NA/Heyliger/Laveist coalition , this island could have spiraled to such a low.

Can it be, that this was willful planning by the NA and Heyliger to make our people beggars in their own country and as such control them with whatever crumbs can be thrown at them during campaign time?

It is with this reality in mind that the Democratic Party has planned its campaign for the September 2010 election.

It is with this reality in mind that the Democratic Party has chosen its candidates for the September 2010 election.

It is heartening to see the good will amongst many still, notwithstanding the serious times facing our island. Young and old alike have stood up to bring back St. Martin to its rightful place after 14 months of an NA/Heyliger/Laveist disaster.

14 months of a government consisting of basically the running of the harbor only by Heyliger, and William Marlin responsible for everything else, as Blackman only made error after error as far as the finances of the island are concerned.

14 months of some government members hardly uttering a word to the people and all are left to wonder where we are going.

These are not times for gimmicks, for grandstanding or shams.

And so, with confidence in our people to overcome the past disastrous 14 months, the Democratic Party will present its candidates this Tuesday evening, August 17, at the Cabana Lounge in the Royal Palm Hotel at 7 pm.

In the words of the leader of the Democratic Party: "The next month will separate the men from the boys and the women from the girls".