With potential heavy rain expected this weekend due to the tropical disturbance lingering in the Atlantic, the SHTA remains concerned about the possibility of flooding.
In past meetings with Commission Heyliger, the SHTA expressed its concern regarding the increased risk of flooding in Philipsburg and the surrounding areas due to the construction of the ring road. During these meetings, the SHTA was assured that the water level will be managed by the floodgates. Still, we’re halfway through June and our understanding is that not all of the floodgates and pumps are working properly. Furthermore, the annual cleaning of the trenches has not been executed as yet.
In the event that there is flooding the SHTA fears that it’s going to have a financial impact on businesses and residents in the area with regards to damages, the availability of insurance and a possible increase of insurance premiums. That added expense is one these businesses cannot afford at this time.
The SHTA is therefore cautioning government to make all preparations necessary to ensure that the island is ready for this hurricane season.